Consent Form
I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the student listed above, give permission for the student to attend the Released Time Bible Education program of School Ministries of Trumbull County (referred to as Breaktime). Students are responsible for any school assignments missed during released time classes. I may revoke consent for my student to attend the program at any time; and the program may remove any student from the program for disciplinary issues or for being disruptive. I understand that volunteers and program administrators are trained to report child abuse and neglect and concerns about self-harm.
At times, video or photos may be taken during class or special events for promotion of the School Ministries of Trumbull County program. I give consent or do not consent to School Ministries of Trumbull County to use photos of my son/daughter. See below.
Breaktime is affiliated School, School Ministries, and Released
I ask my student’s school to provide a copy of my student’s emergency medical card to School Ministries of Trumbull County, so that information is readily available in case of an emergency. I understand this parent consent is valid for the current school year or until revoked by me. I affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the student listed and I have legal authority to provide this consent, also any pertinent medical information regarding, diabetic concerns, epilepsy, food allergies, the need to carry an inhaler for asthma, or an EpiPen for anaphylaxis reactions, or other medical issues, please provide on the back of this form.