School Ministries of Trumbull County is a special religious education program designed to provide engaging instruction and activities for local students. Our team is dedicated to making the application process easy and straightforward - simply provide us with the requested information and you can begin your journey with School Ministries right away.
There are two ways to submit the student application.
1. Click the Parental Consent form blow (this process is a slower process)
2. For quicker response time for the application process just complete the online application (only one form of application needs to be completes, by downloading the form and mailing it in or use the quick and easy form below and submit.
Our Mission: To present the Bible to students in a way to Engage, Encourage, Equip, and empower them to become exemplary citizens of our community.
Nearby Location Information: Students at their School may attend BREAKTIME Bible Class, if this parent permission is signed and returned. Program participation may be limited by available transportation space. Classes will be one day per week for approximately one hour during time agreed upon with school administration. Participating students will travel to a close, off school campus location for classes. Feel free to contact the program leaders for more details at tcbreaktime@gmail.com
Consent Form
I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the student listed below, give permission for the student to attend the Released Time Bible Education program of School Ministries of Trumbull County (referred to as Breaktime). Students are responsible for any school assignments missed during released time classes. I may revoke consent for my student to attend the program at any time; and the program may remove any student from the program for disciplinary issues or for being disruptive. I understand that volunteers and program administrators are trained to report child abuse and neglect and concerns about self-harm.